BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 7 of 7 results.

Supporting HIV Positive Employees

Supporting HIV Positive Employees

Prof. Dr. Adeeba Kamarulzaman, Chairman, Malaysian AIDS Foundation

Why Don’t You Put on A Condom!

Why Don’t You Put on A Condom!

HIV - Sexual Transmission on the Rise

HIV - Sexual Transmission on the Rise

Hisham Hussein

Conservatism vs HIV

Conservatism vs HIV

Doctor in the House: Discrimination in Healthcare

Doctor in the House: Discrimination in Healthcare

Dr George Lee, Consultant Urologist | Fifa Rahman, Malaysian AIDS Council

Raising Awareness Through Running

Raising Awareness Through Running

Ralph Dixon, Malaysian AIDS Foundation Trustee, Fundraiser | Jeff Lau, Runner, Fundraiser | Hisham Bin Hussein, Hon. Secretary Malaysian AIDS Foundation & Council

The Trans-Pacific Trade Pact and Generic Medication

The Trans-Pacific Trade Pact and Generic Medication

Fifa Rahman, Malaysian AIDS Council | Edward Low, Positive Malaysian Treatment Access and Advocacy Group


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