BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 11 of 11 results.

Urban Ghost Towns In the Wake of the Pandemic

Urban Ghost Towns In the Wake of the Pandemic

What’s Trending in 2020?

What’s Trending in 2020?

NLP - Tools For Transformation

NLP - Tools For Transformation

Sheila Singam,  Human Equation

Reaching The Million Downloads Milestone

Reaching The Million Downloads Milestone

Howard Goh , MochiBits | P'ng Yi Wei, Kurechii Studios | Roki Soeharyo, Touchten Games

Brain Waves #5: Intelligence Genes

Brain Waves #5: Intelligence Genes

Dr Azlina Ahmad Annuar, Neurogeneticist

The Benefits of a Music Education

The Benefits of a Music Education

Kevin Field, Conductor and Percussionist

Giftedness #2 - The Role of Schools

Giftedness #2 - The Role of Schools

Dr. Philip Whitehead, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership and Management

MENSA Malaysia

MENSA Malaysia

Jayaram Menon, Malaysia Mensa Chairman

Marketing Mojo: Digital Marketing IQ

Marketing Mojo: Digital Marketing IQ

Hando Sinisalu

Can Creativity Be Taught?

Can Creativity Be Taught?

Dr. Mario Varvoglis, Author and Speaker

Increasing Intelligence and Brain Training

Increasing Intelligence and Brain Training

Caroline Ong, Personal brain trainer


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