A Sunday Kinda Love: Whalebone & Crabshell
22 mins
41 mins
1 min
An imaginary sultanate expels its unsavouries - the inlanders and uplanders who are heathens and uncivilised. They are tossed into open waters. What does fate put in their way? Zedeck Siew explores what it's like to be stateless with his short story - Whalebone & Crabshell.
To read the original text, head to: www.projekdialog.com/featured/whalebone-crabshell/
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A Sunday Kinda Love: Whalebone & Crabshell
An imaginary sultanate expels its unsavouries - the inlanders and uplanders who are heathens and uncivilised. They are tossed into open waters. What does fate put in their way? Zedeck Siew explores what it's like to be stateless with his short story - Whalebone & Crabshell.
To read the original text, head to: www.projekdialog.com/featured/whalebone-crabshell/
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