BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 results.

Date Programmes Podcast Title  
08-Sep-23 Front Row
(2:30 PM)
Joe Hasham OAM, Director, Artistic Director & Dramaturg, The Actors Studio | Zul Zamir, Actor
01-Sep-23 Front Row
(2:30 PM)
Life Sdn Bhd: What It Means to be Malaysian?
Dato' Dr Faridah Merican, Executive Producer, KLPAC
30-Sep-20 The Pulse
(10:00 PM)
Orchestra’s New Normal
Martin Rutherford, The Actors Studio Chorus and Orchestra
07-Feb-19 Front Row
(3:00 PM)
Reprising The Actors Studio’s First
Joe Hasham, Director, Actors Studio | Dato’ Faridah Merican, Producer, Actors Studio | Kingsley Judd and Phraveen Arikiah, Actors
23-Feb-17 Front Row
(2:00 PM)
Life Sdn Bhd, Ordinary People
Faridah Merican, Executive Producter-Director | Joe Hasham, Actor
25-Mar-16 Front Row
(2:00 PM)
Spinning Shakespeare on a Spit
Vincent Hau, director | Easee Gan, director
05-Feb-16 Front Row
(2:00 PM)
Pidgin Romeo and Juliet
Freddy Tan, director and co-writer | UiHua Cheah, co-writer | Freddy Tan, director and co-writer | UiHua Cheah, co-writer
06-Jan-16 Front Row
(2:00 PM)
Lear’s Daughters Without Lear
Christina Orow, actor | Marina Tan, actor
23-Jun-15 That Time Of Night
(8:00 PM)
Faridah Merican
Faridah Merican, KLPAC
18-Sep-13 Front Row
(2:00 PM)
05-Sep-13 Front Row
(2:00 PM)
Inside the Actor's Studio Drama School
Samantha Tan
08-Jul-13 Front Row
(2:00 PM)
Patrick Teoh | Doppo Narita

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10:00 AM

Pick of the Pops (REPEAT)


12:00 PM

Bar None (REPEAT)

1:00 PM

Ringgit & Sense (REPEAT)

Rising Student Loan Debt: Is It Worth It?; Dr Amirul Rafiq Abu Rahim, Research Associate, Khazanah Research Institute

1:30 PM

The Property Show (REPEAT)

The Solar Solution To High Electricity Bills; Davis Chong, President, Malaysian Photovoltaic Industry Association

2:00 PM

Cruise Control (REPEAT)

Scrapped Subsidies Hiking Up More Than Just Diesel Prices;

3:00 PM

Best of Enterprise (REPEAT)

AI Reshapes Work - How?; K Raman, Managing Director, Microsoft Malaysia | Rohit Kalsy, Head of Sales, Emerging Markets (SEA), LinkedIn

4:00 PM

Beyond the Ballot Box (REPEAT)

Everything You Need to Know About the Diesel Subsidy Reforms; Dr Geoffrey Williams, Economist

5:00 PM

TED Radio Hour

6:00 PM

Earth Matters (REPEAT)

Mangrove Marvels: Guardians of Our Oceans and Coasts; Dr Ahmad Aldrie Amir, Senior Lecturer/Research Fellow, Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI-UKM)

7:00 PM

Back To Back (REPEAT)

Ep110 - Jorja Smith

9:00 PM

The Selector