BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 7 of 7 results.

Living Funerals, Designers’ Renaissance, and Maffick

Living Funerals, Designers’ Renaissance, and Maffick

Kam Raslan | Dhanya Nair | Marion D’Cruz

Composing A Fashion Symphony

Composing A Fashion Symphony

Adeline Choong | Alice Jane | Emma Chong-Johnston

From KL to London: THESELINA’s Functional Fashion

From KL to London: THESELINA’s Functional Fashion

Adeline Choong | Selina Yeop Jr. | Emma Chong-Johnston

Postcards From Sydney

Postcards From Sydney

Adeline Choong | Yong Tiong Tan | Emma Chong Johnston

Raya Style 2017: KREE

Raya Style 2017: KREE

Adeline Choong | Reni Diana, Qayyum Iskandar | Emma Chong Johnston

Raya Style 2017: Mimpikita

Raya Style 2017: Mimpikita

Adeline Choong | Nurul Afidah, Amirah Hanis | Emma Chong Johnston

Eminent &

Eminent &

Sean Lee, Eminent &


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