BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 15 of 15 results.

Date Programmes Podcast Title  
06-Dec-23 HerVantage
(11:00 AM)
Return To Origin
Seau Yeen Su, Co-founder, Origo Eco
19-Oct-23 Tech Talk
(11:00 AM)
Navigating Plastic Perils
Umesh Madhavan, Research Director, The Circulate Initiative
21-Dec-22 Earth Matters
(3:00 PM)
Indah Water Konsortium: Tackling Sewage, Sustainability and More
Narendran Maniam, CEO, Indah Water Konsortium
17-Nov-22 The Breakfast Grille
(8:00 AM)
The Journey Towards A Circular Economy
Freek van Eijk, CEO, Holland Circular Hotspot
15-Aug-22 Earth Matters
(3:00 PM)
A New Life for Old Soles with EcoKnights
Fadly Bakhtiar, Programme Director, EcoKnights
03-Jan-22 Open For Business
(10:00 AM)
Profiting From Recycled Trash
Ang Lee Kaw, CH Green
01-Dec-21 One Goal at a Time
(7:00 PM)
One Goal At A Time - MPMA
Wee Ching Yun, Chairman of the Sustainability Sub-Committee, MPMA
05-May-21 Earth Matters
(3:00 PM)
What We Waste - Hint: Lots
Von Hernandez, Global Coordinator, Break Free from Plastic
18-Dec-19 Enterprise Explores
(12:30 PM)
The App That Buys Your Clothes Back
13-Dec-19 Q and Eh?
(6:00 PM)
Q and Eh?: Indah Water
Narendran Maniam, CEO, Indah Water Konsortium
19-Nov-19 Morning Brief
(8:30 AM)
Waste Not, Want Not: Economic Potential of the Wastewater Industry
Narendran Maniam, CEO, Indah Water Konsortium
05-Nov-19 Morning Brief
(7:45 AM)
PLUS Sale: Serious Retirement and Governance Implications
21-May-19 The Breakfast Grille
(8:05 AM)
The Circular Economy: Going Round In Circles But Going Nowhere?
Maria Antikainen, Principal Scientist , VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
14-Dec-16 Open For Business
(10:00 AM)
MDBC Sustainability Awards
Her Excellency Karin Mossenlechner, Netherlands Ambassador to Malaysia | Peter Wolf, Transmare Group | Choo Hoo Neoh, Teleplan
22-Mar-16 Resource Centre
(1:00 PM)
World Water Day Special: Looking to the Netherlands
Jack Jonk, Brabantse Delta | Cora Uijterlinde, Stowa

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