BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results.

Subsidy Rationalisation, A Must Do But How?

Subsidy Rationalisation, A Must Do But How?

Alex Clark, Head of International, APAC, The Behavioural Insights Team | Dr Amjad Rabi, Visiting Expert, SWRC, Universiti Malaya

8 Major Trends That Will Define The Future of Business

8 Major Trends That Will Define The Future of Business

Shazrul Asari, Partner, Bain & Company

Critical Thinking The Antidote For Covid-19 Misinformation

Critical Thinking The Antidote For Covid-19 Misinformation

Dr. David Robert Grimes, Author, The Irrational Ape: Why Flawed Logic Puts Us All at Risk and How Critical Thinking Can Save the World

Would You Sacrifice One to Save Many?

Would You Sacrifice One to Save Many?

Hazman Baharom, Lecturer in Moral Studies and Fellow, Islamic Renaissance Front

RAM on the Spending Brakes?

RAM on the Spending Brakes?

Esther Lai

Talkback Thursday: How does the recent fuel hike make you feel?

Talkback Thursday: How does the recent fuel hike make you feel?

Talkback Tuesday: Should the government enforce penalties on those who use water excessively?

Talkback Tuesday: Should the government enforce penalties on those who use water excessively?

Rain, Rain Everyday but 'Most the Pipes are Dry

Rain, Rain Everyday but 'Most the Pipes are Dry

S. Piarapakaran, President, Association of Water and Energy Research Malaysia


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6:00 AM

The 6AM Stretch

7:00 AM

World Market Watch

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7:30 AM

Morning Brief

7:45 AM

Top Story

8:00 AM

The Breakfast Grille

8:30 AM

Morning Brief

8:45 AM

Morning Brief

9:00 AM

Opening Bell

9:15 AM

Opening Bell

9:35 AM

People, Planet, Profit

10:05 AM

Open For Business

Jeremy Dev, Founder, Far Post Academy

11:00 AM

Marketing Mojo

Mario Braz de Matos, Flying Fish Lab

12:00 PM

Enterprise Explores

Dale Hardcastle, Global Head of Carbon Markets; and Shazrul Asari, Partner, Bain & Company

1:00 PM

The Breakfast Grille Repeat

Jazreel Goh, Country Director of British Council Malaysia

2:05 PM

Discovery Hour

3:05 PM

Beyond the Ballot Box

4:05 PM

Health & Living

5:00 PM

Top 5 at 5

6:00 PM

Inside Story

Talkback Tuesday

7:30 PM

Earth Matters [REPEAT]

9:00 PM

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