BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 11 of 11 results.

Minimum Marriage Age for Muslim Girls to Remain 16

Minimum Marriage Age for Muslim Girls to Remain 16

Rozana Isa, Executive Director, Sisters in Islam | Goh Siu Lin, Family Lawyer

Gender Segregation in Terengganu

Gender Segregation in Terengganu

Rozana Isa, Executive Director, Sisters in Islam | Eddin Khoo, Founder, Pusaka

When an 11-year old Bride Isn’t Disturbing

When an 11-year old Bride Isn’t Disturbing

Sharmila Sekaran, Voice of the Children | Nik Salida Suhaila, SUHAKAM | Ramya Kuna, Vanguards For Change

How Young Is Too Young For Sex?

How Young Is Too Young For Sex?

Sharmila Sekaran, Chairperson, Voice of the Children

Malaysia Disappoints The UN

Malaysia Disappoints The UN

Shareena Sheriff, Sisters in Islam

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. for Women’s Rights

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. for Women’s Rights

Shareena Shariff, Sisters in Islam | Honey Tan, Human Rights Lawyer

 Death and Property

Death and Property

Hudud - Parliamentary Wheels Turning?

Hudud - Parliamentary Wheels Turning?

Rozana Isa

The Wakaf Way: Reengineering Wealth Distribution

The Wakaf Way: Reengineering Wealth Distribution

Tan Sri Muhammad Ali Hashim, Chairman of Awqaf Holdings

Landmark #12: Apex Court Rules Non-Muslim Can't Be Shariah Lawyer

Landmark #12: Apex Court Rules Non-Muslim Can't Be Shariah Lawyer

Nizam Bashir, Shariah Lawyer

Hudud - A Step in the Right Direction?

Hudud - A Step in the Right Direction?

Khalid Samad | Shamsul Iskandar Md. Akin


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