BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results.

2020 in Review: Malaysian News

2020 in Review: Malaysian News

Jahabar Sadiq, Editor, The Malaysian Insight

Judicial Discretion In DUI Sentencing

Judicial Discretion In DUI Sentencing

Salim Bashir, President, Malaysian Bar

Will 'No Parking' Stem Drink Driving?

Will 'No Parking' Stem Drink Driving?

How Alcohol Leads to Liver Disease

How Alcohol Leads to Liver Disease

Dr Saravana Kumar Karunanathy, Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist, Parkcity Medical Centre

How Much Can You Drink Before Driving?

How Much Can You Drink Before Driving?

Assoc Prof Dr Amer Siddiq bin Amer Nordin, Consultant Psychiatrist, University Malaya Medical Centre

Your Rights When Pulled Over For Suspected Drinking

Your Rights When Pulled Over For Suspected Drinking

K.A Ramu, criminal lawyer


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