BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
1 hr 5 mins
44 mins
40 mins
For classic rock fans in Malaysia, the late 80s and early 90s can be fondly remembered as the height of glam rock. A significant period in local rock music popularised by groups like Wings & Search, the scene died instantly when 'rockers' were ordered to trim off their long hair in a morality conflict. Ali Johan goes up to Ipoh to have a chat with filmmaker Mamat Khalid, director of glam rock inspired movies Rock & Rock Oo, revisiting his days of big hair, tight leather pants and the screechy high notes from that era.
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Wavelength: Glam Rock Revisited
For classic rock fans in Malaysia, the late 80s and early 90s can be fondly remembered as the height of glam rock. A significant period in local rock music popularised by groups like Wings & Search, the scene died instantly when 'rockers' were ordered to trim off their long hair in a morality conflict. Ali Johan goes up to Ipoh to have a chat with filmmaker Mamat Khalid, director of glam rock inspired movies Rock & Rock Oo, revisiting his days of big hair, tight leather pants and the screechy high notes from that era.
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