BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
40 mins
42 mins
22 mins
You can’t have missed the hype surrounding the chance to throw Pokeballs and catch yourself some Pokemon and train them and take over the world, all while showing off on social media. Pokemon Go hasn’t landed in Malaysia yet, but many old Nintendoheads are awaiting its arrival with bated breath. For some though, Pokemon Go represents how original games are not being supported without big branding and nostalgia. Hasnul Hadi Samsuddin weighs in on Ian Bogost’s The Tragedy of Pokemon Go.
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Pokemon Go: Pika Pika!
You can’t have missed the hype surrounding the chance to throw Pokeballs and catch yourself some Pokemon and train them and take over the world, all while showing off on social media. Pokemon Go hasn’t landed in Malaysia yet, but many old Nintendoheads are awaiting its arrival with bated breath. For some though, Pokemon Go represents how original games are not being supported without big branding and nostalgia. Hasnul Hadi Samsuddin weighs in on Ian Bogost’s The Tragedy of Pokemon Go.
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