BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
Aikido, loosely translated as the “way of adapting the spirit,” is a Japanese martial art which emphasizes harmony and self-defense. However, critics argue that Aikido’s highly choreographed techniques and aversion to causing injuries makes it impractical for real-life situations. Aikido instructor Joe Thambu sheds more light on the origins and philosophy of this 20th century art of combat.
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Aikido: Art or Martial Art?
Aikido, loosely translated as the “way of adapting the spirit,” is a Japanese martial art which emphasizes harmony and self-defense. However, critics argue that Aikido’s highly choreographed techniques and aversion to causing injuries makes it impractical for real-life situations. Aikido instructor Joe Thambu sheds more light on the origins and philosophy of this 20th century art of combat.
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