BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
43 mins
44 mins
44 mins
How well can Malaysians track back their ancestry? Most will answer with a simple, “I’m Malay”, “I’m Chinese”, or “I’m Indian”. Following the basic square boxes that we have to tick in, from every given form that we’ve filled in throughout our lifetime. Most of us don’t understand the complexities of where our roots come from, or know how to even separate our roots from our lifestyles. Tune in, as the curators of the new art exhibition, ‘Penang: Then and Now’ talk to us how colonization, the world war, and how the imperialist era has affected us Malaysians and our Art.
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Trekking back Art History from Penang
How well can Malaysians track back their ancestry? Most will answer with a simple, “I’m Malay”, “I’m Chinese”, or “I’m Indian”. Following the basic square boxes that we have to tick in, from every given form that we’ve filled in throughout our lifetime. Most of us don’t understand the complexities of where our roots come from, or know how to even separate our roots from our lifestyles. Tune in, as the curators of the new art exhibition, ‘Penang: Then and Now’ talk to us how colonization, the world war, and how the imperialist era has affected us Malaysians and our Art.
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