BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
1 min
23 mins
10 mins
Tonight, we were joined with a man who is quickly climbing up the comedy ranks (there’s only 12 to go through), Brian Tan!
In this new standup comedy scene Malaysia has, even the veterans are busy hustling around and updating their materials every time Brian goes up on stage. His one-liners are filled with wit, sophistication finalised with a good sense of self-deprecation is a refreshing taste to remind us there is no fixed way in doing comedy.
Though he's only been in the laughing circle for a good three years now, Brian’s unique blend which he serves on stage has brought him far. Even far enough to be featured in the Comedy Show Asia portion of the Melbourne International Comedy Fest earlier this with the likes of Kuah Jenhan, Dr. Jason Leong and Vivek Mahbubani of Hong Kong.
For the record, Brian scored a very special, 8.5
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Brian Tan
Tonight, we were joined with a man who is quickly climbing up the comedy ranks (there’s only 12 to go through), Brian Tan!
In this new standup comedy scene Malaysia has, even the veterans are busy hustling around and updating their materials every time Brian goes up on stage. His one-liners are filled with wit, sophistication finalised with a good sense of self-deprecation is a refreshing taste to remind us there is no fixed way in doing comedy.
Though he's only been in the laughing circle for a good three years now, Brian’s unique blend which he serves on stage has brought him far. Even far enough to be featured in the Comedy Show Asia portion of the Melbourne International Comedy Fest earlier this with the likes of Kuah Jenhan, Dr. Jason Leong and Vivek Mahbubani of Hong Kong.
For the record, Brian scored a very special, 8.5
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