BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
10 mins
12 mins
10 mins
FVMR stands for Fundamentals, Value, Momentum and Risk and is an investing methodology developed by Andrew Stotz looking at a number of factors when investing. Interestingly stock screening methods involve active trading while Andrew is also a believer of the passive school. We get into his head of how he reconciles the huge active-passive debate that is going on.
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The FVMR Method
FVMR stands for Fundamentals, Value, Momentum and Risk and is an investing methodology developed by Andrew Stotz looking at a number of factors when investing. Interestingly stock screening methods involve active trading while Andrew is also a believer of the passive school. We get into his head of how he reconciles the huge active-passive debate that is going on.
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