BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
Why Do You Need Different Assets In Your Portfolio?
42 mins
46 mins
Asset allocation is essential to any investment strategy, but what does that really mean?
Today Roshan gets into the purpose of allocation, relationship between stocks & bonds, as well as a look at other assets like gold, property and bitcoin, with Danny Wong, CEO of Areca Capital - fund manager and certificate financial planner.
Presenter: Roshan Kanesan
Producer: Roshan Kanesan
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Why Do You Need Different Assets In Your Portfolio?
Asset allocation is essential to any investment strategy, but what does that really mean?
Today Roshan gets into the purpose of allocation, relationship between stocks & bonds, as well as a look at other assets like gold, property and bitcoin, with Danny Wong, CEO of Areca Capital - fund manager and certificate financial planner.
Presenter: Roshan Kanesan
Producer: Roshan Kanesan
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