22 mins
41 mins
1 min
Guest: Indira Nair, Communications Coach
Have you asked for a raise or promotion in your job recently? Do you plan to? How much would you ask for? On this episode of Ringgit and Sense, Sim Wie Boon speaks to communications coach Indira Nair about asking for a bump up in your salary or position from your boss. They discuss the culture around it, the different perspectives towards it and ways to approach it. Image credit:
Presenter: Sim Wie Boon
Producer: Sim Wie Boon
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How To Ask For A Raise
Guest: Indira Nair, Communications Coach
Have you asked for a raise or promotion in your job recently? Do you plan to? How much would you ask for? On this episode of Ringgit and Sense, Sim Wie Boon speaks to communications coach Indira Nair about asking for a bump up in your salary or position from your boss. They discuss the culture around it, the different perspectives towards it and ways to approach it. Image credit:
Presenter: Sim Wie Boon
Producer: Sim Wie Boon
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