BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
Should We Raise The Minimum Wage Sooner?
Guest: Dr Carmelo Ferlito, CEO, Center for Market Education, Calvin Cheng, Senior Analyst in the Economics Programme, Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia, Dr Juita Mohamad, Director of Economics and Business Unit and Acting Director of Research , IDEAS
The Malaysian Trades Union Congress has urged for the government to raise the minimum wage by the second quarter of the year, instead of by the end of 2022. This is in contrast to the Malaysian Employers Federation's previous statement that it is not time to implement this, in light of our current economic turmoils. First, we discuss how raising the minimum wage would make a difference to workers and employees, and why it’s important. Then, we get into what effects this might have on the economy. Finally, we look at how do our wages compare to other countries.
Image Source: BreizhAtao, Shutterstock
Presenter: Lee Chwi Lynn, Sharmilla Ganesan
Producer: Evening Edition
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Should We Raise The Minimum Wage Sooner?
Guest: Dr Carmelo Ferlito, CEO, Center for Market Education, Calvin Cheng, Senior Analyst in the Economics Programme, Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia, Dr Juita Mohamad, Director of Economics and Business Unit and Acting Director of Research , IDEAS
The Malaysian Trades Union Congress has urged for the government to raise the minimum wage by the second quarter of the year, instead of by the end of 2022. This is in contrast to the Malaysian Employers Federation's previous statement that it is not time to implement this, in light of our current economic turmoils. First, we discuss how raising the minimum wage would make a difference to workers and employees, and why it’s important. Then, we get into what effects this might have on the economy. Finally, we look at how do our wages compare to other countries.
Image Source: BreizhAtao, Shutterstock
Presenter: Lee Chwi Lynn, Sharmilla Ganesan
Producer: Evening Edition
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