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Evening Edition · Bookmark · 15 Mar 2016 · 02:15 pm · 4 mins listen
The cookbook and its creation is indispensable to the welfare of the human race. Because simply eating food is insufficient. We must write about it. We must read about it. We must watch endless hours of television about it. It is absolutely essential.
This week, on Afterwords, Umapagan Ampikaipakan presents four books from some of the greatest minds in food that'll hopefully create a clamorous craving for all things cookery and cuisine.
Show Notes:
i) I have no idea if this is legal, but there is a PDF of Harold McGee's "On Food and Cooking" here. So thank you Internet. (But you didn't hear it from me.)
ii) There are also dozens of YouTube videos with Harold McGee explaining all kinds of cool science-y things about food. Here's one of my favourites, where he mythbusts MSG.
iii) Here's Michael Pollan reading excerpts from his book "Food Rules". The video is illustrated by the marvellous Maira Kalman.
iv) You can check find Anthony Bourdain's Get Jiro! series of graphic novels here and here.
v) You can watch the trailer (and you really should) for Jiro Dreams of Sushi here. You should also really really watch the movie.
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