BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
ScaleUp and Quest Ventures Want To Nurture Malaysian Startups
ScaleUp has formed an exclusive partnership with Quest Ventures, a Singaporean venture capital firm, in an effort to help Malaysian startups grow regionally. The partnership will also bring a foreign direct investment into the country worth RM4.15 million, a sum that will be used to develop Malaysian startups.
Presenter: Audrey Raj and Freda Liu
Producer: Audrey Raj and Arvindh Yuvaraj
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ScaleUp and Quest Ventures Want To Nurture Malaysian Startups
ScaleUp has formed an exclusive partnership with Quest Ventures, a Singaporean venture capital firm, in an effort to help Malaysian startups grow regionally. The partnership will also bring a foreign direct investment into the country worth RM4.15 million, a sum that will be used to develop Malaysian startups.
Presenter: Audrey Raj and Freda Liu
Producer: Audrey Raj and Arvindh Yuvaraj
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