

Nine-Year-Old Malaysian Inventor Wins NASA’s Lunar Loo Challenge

7 mins
12:45, 5 Nov 2020

There are certain things that, no matter how far advanced we become in technology, - will still remind us that at the end of the day - human beings are animals. And one of those things is having to answer the call of nature.


For years, astronauts have been dealing with less than ideal ways of going to the toilet whilst in space. Well, this could all be a thing of the past thanks to the invention of a nine-year-old Malaysian inventor, Zyson Kang Zy Sun.


Presenter: Audrey Raj and Freda Liu

Producer: Richard Bradbury


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Nine-Year-Old Malaysian Inventor Wins NASA’s Lunar Loo Challenge

7 mins
12:45, 5 Nov 2020
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There are certain things that, no matter how far advanced we become in technology, - will still remind us that at the end of the day - human beings are animals. And one of those things is having to answer the call of nature.


For years, astronauts have been dealing with less than ideal ways of going to the toilet whilst in space. Well, this could all be a thing of the past thanks to the invention of a nine-year-old Malaysian inventor, Zyson Kang Zy Sun.


Presenter: Audrey Raj and Freda Liu

Producer: Richard Bradbury


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