The “voice” of an ancient Egyptian priest can now be heard for the first time in 3,000 years, thanks to a group of researchers who artificially recreated his vocal tract with 3D printing. We find out more about this process and its significance by speaking to one of the researchers.
Presenter: Sharmilla Ganesan, Tee Shiao Eek, Juliet Jacobs
Producer: Sharmilla Ganesan
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What Does a 3,000-Year-Old Mummy Sound Like?
The “voice” of an ancient Egyptian priest can now be heard for the first time in 3,000 years, thanks to a group of researchers who artificially recreated his vocal tract with 3D printing. We find out more about this process and its significance by speaking to one of the researchers.
Presenter: Sharmilla Ganesan, Tee Shiao Eek, Juliet Jacobs
Producer: Sharmilla Ganesan
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