BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
We're continuing our collaboration with the Freedom Film Network, and featuring their past films, which are being specially curated and re-released under the “Weekend Watch with FreedomFilmFest' banner, on their Youtube channel. With Merdeka around the corner, this weekend's playlist will feature stories about independence, and one of the featured films is 2012's The Silent Riot by Nadira Ilana, which gives us a rare insight into riots that erupted in March 1986 in Kota Kinabalu, Tawau and Sandakan in Sabah, following a turbulent state election the previous year.. Nadira joins us to share more.
Image source: Freedom Film Network
Presenter: Juliet Jacobs
Producer: Juliet Jacobs
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Stay Home & Watch: The Silent Riot
We're continuing our collaboration with the Freedom Film Network, and featuring their past films, which are being specially curated and re-released under the “Weekend Watch with FreedomFilmFest' banner, on their Youtube channel. With Merdeka around the corner, this weekend's playlist will feature stories about independence, and one of the featured films is 2012's The Silent Riot by Nadira Ilana, which gives us a rare insight into riots that erupted in March 1986 in Kota Kinabalu, Tawau and Sandakan in Sabah, following a turbulent state election the previous year.. Nadira joins us to share more.
Image source: Freedom Film Network
Presenter: Juliet Jacobs
Producer: Juliet Jacobs
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