BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
26 mins
23 mins
26 mins
Children in Malaysia and in many other countries around the world today, grow up speaking at least two languages. Consultant developmental paediatrician Dr Rajini Sarvananthan explores language in children and whether multilingualism confers benefits on their development.
Presenter: Meera Sivasothy
Producer: Tee Shiao Eek
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Raising Multilingual Children: Bagus or Not?
Children in Malaysia and in many other countries around the world today, grow up speaking at least two languages. Consultant developmental paediatrician Dr Rajini Sarvananthan explores language in children and whether multilingualism confers benefits on their development.
Presenter: Meera Sivasothy
Producer: Tee Shiao Eek
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