BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
Benefits of Doodling, And Getting Started
Guest: Dr Rajini Sarvananthan, Consultant Developmental Paediatrician, Norazhar Ishak, Author & Illustrator
If you’re someone who usually fills the margins of your notebooks with doodles, you probably made those loops and lines while your attention wandered during a lecture, meeting or Zoom call. But is doodling a sign that you’re not paying attention, as our teachers used to tell us, or can it actually improve our focus and memory? Consultant developmental paediatrician Dr Rajini Sarvananthan, and children’s book illustrator Norazhar Ishak (also known as NAI), draw the connection between doodling and better physical and cognitive skills in children. NAI’s work and links to purchase his books can be found on his Instagram and Facebook pages.
Image Credit: Shutterstock
Presenter: Tee Shiao Eek
Producer: Tee Shiao Eek
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Benefits of Doodling, And Getting Started
Guest: Dr Rajini Sarvananthan, Consultant Developmental Paediatrician, Norazhar Ishak, Author & Illustrator
If you’re someone who usually fills the margins of your notebooks with doodles, you probably made those loops and lines while your attention wandered during a lecture, meeting or Zoom call. But is doodling a sign that you’re not paying attention, as our teachers used to tell us, or can it actually improve our focus and memory? Consultant developmental paediatrician Dr Rajini Sarvananthan, and children’s book illustrator Norazhar Ishak (also known as NAI), draw the connection between doodling and better physical and cognitive skills in children. NAI’s work and links to purchase his books can be found on his Instagram and Facebook pages.
Image Credit: Shutterstock
Presenter: Tee Shiao Eek
Producer: Tee Shiao Eek
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