37 mins
34 mins
27 mins
The inaugural Lukis Tulis Festival is a visual arts festival that highlights emerging Malaysian artists. Initiated by two women - Ratna Rashidi and Shereen Sukha - who themselves came to art later in life, the festival aims to make visual arts a more accessible and less intimidating space both for artists and the general public. We speak with the two founders about what we can expect from the event.
Presenter: Sharmilla Ganesan
Producer: Sharmilla Ganesan
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Everyone Can Lukis and Tulis
The inaugural Lukis Tulis Festival is a visual arts festival that highlights emerging Malaysian artists. Initiated by two women - Ratna Rashidi and Shereen Sukha - who themselves came to art later in life, the festival aims to make visual arts a more accessible and less intimidating space both for artists and the general public. We speak with the two founders about what we can expect from the event.
Presenter: Sharmilla Ganesan
Producer: Sharmilla Ganesan
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