BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
20 mins
10 mins
Guest: Kam Raslan, Michael Gong, Sudais Ferhard
Visionary American filmmaker David Lynch passed away earlier this month, and it’s an opportunity for A Bit of Culture to pay tribute to this iconic filmmaker, with the show’s returning guest, and a film buff, Sudais Ferhard sharing the reason why Lynch is one of his favourite directors. In between paying tribute to David Lynch, Kam, Sudais and Michael Gong talks about letter writing and whether it’s still relevant now, as well as science fiction novels being a better predictor of the future compared to science fiction films. As always, tune in and enjoy just a tiny bit of culture!
Image Source: Drop of Light /
Presenter: Kam Raslan
Producer: Haniff Baharudin
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Remembering David Lynch
Guest: Kam Raslan, Michael Gong, Sudais Ferhard
Visionary American filmmaker David Lynch passed away earlier this month, and it’s an opportunity for A Bit of Culture to pay tribute to this iconic filmmaker, with the show’s returning guest, and a film buff, Sudais Ferhard sharing the reason why Lynch is one of his favourite directors. In between paying tribute to David Lynch, Kam, Sudais and Michael Gong talks about letter writing and whether it’s still relevant now, as well as science fiction novels being a better predictor of the future compared to science fiction films. As always, tune in and enjoy just a tiny bit of culture!
Image Source: Drop of Light /
Presenter: Kam Raslan
Producer: Haniff Baharudin
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