BFM 89.9
The Business Station
BFM 89.9
The Business Station
Mek Mulung is a 400-year-old Kedahan art form that brings together dance, drama, and music. Despite its long history, however, Mek Mulung is relatively little-known as part of Malaysia’s cultural history. “Mek Mulung: Lakhon Dewa Muda” aims to bring the art form to a wider audience, and introduces a new generation of performers - in this case, the young performers from Sekolah Seni Malaysia Perak who have won several major international awards. We speak with the show’s choreographer and co-directors.
Presenter: Sharmilla Ganesan
Producer: Sharmilla Ganesan
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Discover Mek Mulung
Mek Mulung is a 400-year-old Kedahan art form that brings together dance, drama, and music. Despite its long history, however, Mek Mulung is relatively little-known as part of Malaysia’s cultural history. “Mek Mulung: Lakhon Dewa Muda” aims to bring the art form to a wider audience, and introduces a new generation of performers - in this case, the young performers from Sekolah Seni Malaysia Perak who have won several major international awards. We speak with the show’s choreographer and co-directors.
Presenter: Sharmilla Ganesan
Producer: Sharmilla Ganesan
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