BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 11 of 11 results.

Date Programmes Podcast Title  
27-Oct-22 Beyond The Ballot Box
(3:00 PM)
ThinkLeft #11 - Power to the People
06-Oct-22 Beyond The Ballot Box
(3:00 PM)
ThinkLeft #10 - How Gender Equality & Class Struggle Intersect
Christine Gabriel, Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) Gender Biro
22-Sep-22 Beyond The Ballot Box
(3:00 PM)
ThinkLeft #9 - Capitalism & Climate Crisis
Audrey Chan, AJK Pemuda Sosialis
01-Sep-22 Beyond The Ballot Box
(3:00 PM)
ThinkLeft #8 - What Role Did Leftists Play in Our Fight For Independence?
Choo Chon Kai, Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)
18-Aug-22 Beyond The Ballot Box
(3:00 PM)
ThinkLeft #7 - Who/What Are Billionaires, Really?
S. Arutchelvan, Deputy Chairperson, Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)
21-Jul-22 Beyond The Ballot Box
(3:00 PM)
ThinkLeft #6 - A Case Against Cryptocurrency
Arveent Kathirtchelvan, Youth Chief, Parti Sosialis Malaysia
07-Jul-22 Beyond The Ballot Box
(3:00 PM)
ThinkLeft #5 - Reimagining Our Healthcare System
Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj, Chairperson, Parti Sosialis Malaysia
23-Jun-22 Beyond The Ballot Box
(3:00 PM)
ThinkLeft #4 - Is Our Education System Classist?
Gandipan Nantha Gopalan, Secretary, Pemuda Sosialis (PSM’s Youth Wing)
09-Jun-22 Beyond The Ballot Box
(3:00 PM)
ThinkLeft #3: Why Can’t We Afford to Buy Houses Anymore?
Sivarajan Arumugam, Secretary-General, Parti Sosialis Malaysia
26-May-22 Beyond The Ballot Box
(3:00 PM)
ThinkLeft #2: An End to Maximum Work for Minimum Wage
Sivaranjani Manickam, National Workers Bureau Coordinator, Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)
12-May-22 Beyond The Ballot Box
(3:00 PM)
ThinkLeft #1: What Does Socialism Mean in the 21st Century?
Sivarajan Arumugam, Secretary General, Parti Sosialis Malaysia

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