BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 results.

Date Programmes Podcast Title  
11-May-17 Night School
(8:00 PM)
Difficult Detachments
Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus | Sharaad Kuttan
14-Sep-16 Night School
(9:00 PM)
From Fetish to Propaganda
Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus
13-Apr-16 Night School
(9:00 PM)
Psychology as Science 101
Douglas Shang | Ahmad Fuad Rahmat
30-Mar-16 Night School
(9:00 PM)
Love, Impotence, Debasement
Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog | Sharaad Kuttan, BFM 89.9
10-Feb-16 Night School
(9:00 PM)
The Symbolic, the Real and the Imaginary
Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog | Sharaad Kuttan, BFM 89.9 | Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog | Sharaad Kuttan, BFM 89.9
02-Sep-15 Night School
(9:00 PM)
Desire, Language, Phallus
Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog | Sharaad Kuttan, BFM 89.9
22-Jul-15 Night School
(9:00 PM)
Freud on Why You're Unhappy
Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog | Sharaad Kuttan, BFM 89.9
24-Jun-15 Night School
(9:00 PM)
Split Mirrors
Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog | Sharaad Kuttan, BFM89.9
10-Jun-15 Night School
(9:00 PM)
You Can Say We're All Dreamers
Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog | Sharaad Kuttan, BFM89.9
01-Apr-15 Night School
(9:00 PM)
It's Always Complex
Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog | Sharaad Kuttan, BFM89.9
17-Sep-14 Night School
(9:45 PM)
Devils in Diapers
Ahmad Fuad Rahmat | Sharaad Kuttan
19-Jun-14 Night School
(5:57 PM)
Freud’s Unconscious
Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog | Sharaad Kuttan, BFM89.9

Play / Pause

Listen now : Open For Business : Farhan Omar and Ekram Faiz, Co-Founders, Kapten Batik

Today’s Shows

6:00 AM

The 6AM Stretch

7:00 AM

World Market Watch

Carlos Casanova, Senior Economist, UBP

7:15 AM

Morning Brief

7:30 AM

Morning Brief

Brendan Sobie, Independent Analyst and Consultant, Sobie Aviation

7:45 AM

Top Story

Michael Kugelman, Director, South Asia Institute, Wilson Centre

8:00 AM

The Breakfast Grille

Dato' Omar Siddiq, CEO of HSBC Malaysia

8:30 AM

Morning Brief

Dr. Murallitharan Munisamy, Co-Chairperson, NCD Malaysia and Director, National Cancer Society Malaysia.

8:45 AM

Morning Brief

9:00 AM

Opening Bell

9:15 AM

Opening Bell

Chehan Perera, Head of Research and Strategist at CGS international

9:35 AM

The Property Show

10:05 AM

Open For Business

Farhan Omar and Ekram Faiz, Co-Founders, Kapten Batik

11:00 AM

The Workplace

Rex Macaskill, Group CEO, POKKA

12:00 PM

Enterprise Explores

Alexander Fernandez, CEO and Co-Founder, Streamline Studios

1:00 PM

The Breakfast Grille Repeat

Dato' Omar Siddiq, CEO of HSBC Malaysia

2:05 PM

Discovery Hour

History on Repeat #2: Rethinking Melaka and the Sejarah Melayu; Ahmat Adam, independent scholar (REPEAT)

3:05 PM

Earth Matters

Ashes to Ashes: The Real Story of Waste Incineration - Ep 2; Albrecht Arevalo, Climate & Anti-Incineration Campaigner, GAIA Asia Pacific | Dr Tan Ching Seong, Co-founder, Gabungan Anti Insinerator Kebangsaan (GAIK)

4:05 PM

Health & Living

Brain Waves: The PsychENCODE Project; Dr Azlina Ahmad Annuar, Neurogeneticist

5:00 PM

Top 5 at 5

6:00 PM

Inside Story

7:00 PM

Front Row [REPEAT]

8:00 PM

Cruise Control

10:00 PM

The Pulse