BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 11 of 11 results.

Date Programmes Podcast Title  
20-Nov-23 Earth Matters
(3:00 PM)
Asia-Pacific Climate Week 2023
Kieran Li Nair, Co-Focal Point, Malaysian Youth Delegation (MYD)
25-Jul-22 Morning Brief
(8:30 AM)
MUDA's Prescription To Address The Youth Economic Challenges
Zaidel Baharuddin, Vice President, MUDA
31-Mar-21 The Daily Digest
(2:00 PM)
Mana Undi Kami?!
Sharan Raj, Central Committee, Parti Sosialis Malaysia
26-Feb-21 Live & Learn
(3:00 PM)
Good Things #7: Social Engagement From the Eyes of Two 18-Year-Olds
Lim Yue Kin, Co-Founder, | Andrea Chow Yiing Jia, Co-Founder,
05-Aug-20 The Breakfast Grille
(8:05 AM)
For Malaysia's Young, A Hazy Future Beckons
Shahril Hamdan, Deputy Youth Chief, UMNO | Tharma Pillai, Co-Founder, Undi18
17-Feb-20 Earth Matters
(3:00 PM)
What Now, Post COP25?
01-Jul-19 The Daily Digest
(2:08 PM)
The Daily Digest: An App for Young People to Gauge their Mental Health
Alex Lui, Clinical Psychologist
07-Nov-18 HerVantage
(11:05 AM)
The Travels of Khairun Nisa Zabidi
Khairun Nisa, Sustainability Consultant, PwC Malaysia
04-May-18 Today's BizTalk
(8:45 AM)
Where Are All The High Skill Jobs?
The Morning Run Crew
17-Aug-17 Talkback
(6:00 PM)
Talkback Thursday: Living and working outside of KL
17-Oct-15 Night School
(7:00 PM)
Overseas? Overrated
Maryam Lee, Buku Jalanan | Imran Rasid, Universiti Terbuka Anak Muda | Yana Rizal, Projek Dialog | Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog

Play / Pause

Listen now : Bar None (REPEAT)

Today’s Shows

10:00 AM

Pick of the Pops (REPEAT)


12:00 PM

Bar None (REPEAT)

1:00 PM

Ringgit & Sense (REPEAT)

Buy Now Pay Later, A Blessing Or Trap?; Shereen Hazirah Hishamudin, Senior Research Associate, Khazanah Research Institute

1:30 PM

The Property Show (REPEAT)

Property Investment In The UK; Simon Capp, Head of Residential Sales at British Land plc | Chong Shu Ling, Real Estate Agent, JLL (Malaysia)

2:00 PM

Cruise Control (REPEAT)

Finally, An Electric Perodua; Daniel Fernandez, Managing Editor,

3:00 PM

Best of Enterprise (REPEAT)

Wise Move To Be Street Smart In Marketing?; Leonard Lim, Chief Strategy Office, Ideascape Consulting Group | Mohan Alagappar, General Manager, GBA Corporation

4:00 PM

The Bigger Picture (REPEAT)

Robert Reich on Why Understanding Inequality is Key to Understanding Politics; Robert Reich, Berkeley Professor, Co-Founder, Inequality Media

5:00 PM

TED Radio Hour

6:00 PM

Earth Matters (REPEAT)

Ashes to Ashes: The Real Story of Waste Incineration - Ep 1; Albrecht Arevalo, Climate & Anti-Incineration Campaigner, GAIA Asia Pacific | Dr Tan Ching Seong, Co-founder, Gabungan Anti Insinerator Kebangsaan (GAIK)

7:00 PM

Back To Back (REPEAT)

Ep108 - The Smashing Pumpkins

9:00 PM

The Selector